Thursday, June 24, 2010

We Made It!

Hello everyone!!! We have finally arrived in Zimbabwe, Africa! After a long 24 hour flight, 3 layovers and 4 airplane meals, we made it into the capital city of Harare around 2:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon (the time here is about 6 hours ahead of the states). Thank the Lord that all 14 bags (700 lbs) and all carry-on items made it here safely! We unpacked everything and set up our stay at Shalom - a home mentioned in one of the earlier postings. We even managed to pig out on 2 large pizzas!

After a nice, restful night we started our day around 9:00 a.m. and visited a pre-school. There we played with the children, sang songs, passed out tootsie rolls, played soccer and had tons of fun with bubbles! It was truly a blessing to see the faces of the children and the workers that we have heard so much about. For the remainder of the day, we will be visiting different Hands of Hope Homes.

More updates and photos are coming soon! Please continue to pray for our team that we will be a blessing to those we meet.

Zim Team 10


  1. Hey team......we let out a big wahoooooooo when we heard that you got thru so easily and made it time to see the US game. How fun that you were watching with the team from UK, and both countries won!! Fun. Praying for your time today at the different homes. I know that you will be a blessing and be blessed!

  2. Miss Jessica, You made it! Hooray! I was excited to see the new pic posted! Our church is praying for you (and the team!) Was reading Acts, Chapt. 28 earlier and thought of you. The Apostle Paul wrote, "And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging; to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus..." This is your day! Go testify and persuade, Sister! We are so proud of you. Praying for you daily, Love you!

    Kimberly & Bro. Danny

  3. Hey Sister Jessica. Glad to see ya'll arrived safely and with all your luggage. Praying that the LORD will work thru you and use you in a mighty way while you're there. It truly is a blessing to be able to serve Jesus on a foreign field. Isaiah 6:8 "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me." May the LORD be with each of you and bless all that you and your team are doing. Treasure each and every moment of your trip. And take LOTS of pics. Looking forward to hearing a report of your trip. Love in Christ, Johnny and Kathy Walker
