That's a Wrap
Tuesday:Jesus is our Savior and Light
Fun in the dark with glowsticks and battery candles
This little light of mine
Nightly recap done by campers
Teams showed what they had learned and demonstrated lesson in their own langauage
Jesus is our Servant King
Washing of the feet
Each camper made a crown
They are loved by a Servant King who calls them to serve
"My God is so Big, So strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do"
Song spoke to the campers and was sang at every moment
Nightly recap and songs lead by campers
Campers took the songs that had been taught to them and translated them into their own language and performed them
Jesus is our Honor and Glory
Final day of Camp
Armor of God
Suited up for Armor of God relay
Campers demonstrated memorization of 10 verses learned throughout the past few days
Campers left
Emotional goodbyes, evident proof of the personal connections made through out the week by campers and staff
Beyond impressed by the leadership of staff and skills developed by the campers
Team took off for Vic Falls for debriefing and rest and recovery
In awe of God's glory and the power of Victoria Falls
What a special time of worshipping Him with our brothers and sisters in Christ!
Taking off for home
We have experienced answered prayers in mutiple areas; all things lost were found, timely executions, success of the camp, our team relationships withstood the trials of the trip, lasting relationships were formed and God has been honored and glorified.
Thank you for joining us on this journey.